
[English follows]


 今日から一か月後の312日に2018 ミス日本酒を決定する最終選考会が行われます。



 前回、前々回のナデシコプログラムでは2017 ミス日本酒の田中梨乃さん、2016 ミス日本酒の田中沙百合さんから貴重なお話を伺い、お二人の物事に対する考え方や姿勢を学ばせていただきました。目配り気配り心配りの大切さ、そして自分の個性をどう日本酒の普及に活かすことができるのか、改めて熟考する契機となりました。













 2018 ミス日本酒ファイナリストは本当に多様性に富んでいます。それぞれの個性を合わせることで、どのように日本酒を広めることができるのか、とても楽しみに思うとともに、自分らしさとは何か、自分には何ができるのか、考え続けていきます。







2018 Miss SAKE final selection will be held on March 12th, one month after today.

From the announcement on 10th January, I have learned about sake and Japanese culture through the programs.

 Rino Tanaka of 2017 Miss SAKE and Ms. Sayuri Tanaka of 2016 Miss SAKE told us valuable stories, and we learned the way of thinking and attitude.


When I was twenty years old, I was impressed by collaboration between sake and foods. My feelings for sake are improving day by day.

I majored in agricultural economics at university and I had many opportunities to talk with farmers. I learned the feeling of "making things". From the farmers who cultivate rice, to the one who sells it, the feelings of so many people are packed in sake. I would like you all to get more familiar with sake.


I also do a research on the economic development of developing countries. I loved eating at a young age. When I learned about hunger, I thought

"I can eat enough, and I feel happy to eat. Why are there people who cannot eat in the world? How can everyone be happy to eat delicious food? "
I majored in agricultural economics and gained knowledge about nutrition. Myanmar, where I am studying, is still in the process of development, and many people
are living from hand to mouth. Someday, one of my goals is to eat the delicious cuisine and drink sake with the people I met in Myanmar.


  I learned the importance of "diversity" and "challenge" through the programs. I will not succeed unless I do a challenge. Also, but for diversity, new things will not be born.

 I learned the importance of the “challenge” by doing lessons such as abacus and karate from infancy, ladder riding in the firefighting first formula and so on. 2018 Miss SAKE finalists are really rich in “diversity”.

 I am very excited about how we can spread sake by matching each personality. And I do continue to think about what I can do.

 Like Sayuri Tanaka of 2016 Miss SAKE told us " Do your best, and let it be " ... I will take care of every day in this one month, devoting efforts towards the final selection. Thank you for your continued support.



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